Year in Review - 2022

It’s the end of another year and the second anniversary of my first episode release. Time for another year in review! Once again, I’m incredibly grateful for everyone who has listened, shared, and engaged with Errant Adventures over the last year. It’s a lot of work making this show, but knowing there are people out there enjoying it makes that work worth it! So, once again, thank you!

Let’s get into it!

In many ways, 2022 was the year of the Crest. The first episode of the year was episode 17 of Season 2, and I concluded Season 2 on October 3rd, with the Season 2 wrap up dropping on November 24th after my first ever livestream. For those keeping count (I assume just me), I released 53 episodes in 2022, one every Monday, plus the Season 2 wrap up. I ended 2021 with 16,700 downloads, and as of today, I’m sitting at about 47, 300 which means about 30,600 downloads in 2022. That’s amazing, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t once again say thank you!

In addition to Season 2, I did a few different bonus episodes. I played Pilgrimage of the Sun Guard by Amanda P and had a lot of fun telling a quieter, more atmospheric story. If you like questing knights and struggling with temptation, I highly recommend it!

I also did a few collaborations this year which was definitely a highlight. Playing solo can be lonely sometimes (go figure), and having the opportunity to play games with other amazing creatives is so rewarding. I hope to do more next year, and maybe even guest on someone else’s show!

I got to run a three part game of Blades in the Dark for Matt Risby, Tavon Gatling, and Joshua Meehan set in my fantasy city of Davennar, and we left it on a cliff hanger which I hope to resolve in 2023.

I also played a two part Maze Rats series with Jon from Tale of the Manticore where we had a bunch of fun and surprisingly survived against some pretty compelling odds.

Finally, I ended the year with a two hour game of Ironsworn: Starforged with Nathan of Reckless Attack. As much as I love playing solo, co-op Ironsworn has seen some of my favorite stories, and this was no exception!

If you missed any of these bonus episodes, they’re all compiled under my Bonus Episodes tab.

Now, let’s look ahead to 2023. I’ve just finished editing episode 1 of Season 3, and while we’re not going to start the year with the new season, it should be dropping before the end of January. I’m excited for a return to Ironsworn: Starforged and my Tarquinverse, and I’m ready to jump into this new character and explore a different part of the universe. As usual, I don’t know how long the season will run, but I’m hoping for no more than 25 episodes. As far as bonus content, I’ve got some fun solo games to dive into as well as a couple other story ideas I want to explore. In addition, I’m considering starting up a bi-monthly streamed game of Ironsworn, though that’s all dependent on whether I can carve out the time and figure out my camera/lighting situation. Video is a whole ‘nother thing to obsess over!

As we bring 2022 to a close, I hope you all know how much I’ve enjoyed creating these stories over the past two years, and I’m excited for what is to come in 2023. I appreciate your support and continued listening. Thank you thank you thank you!

And as always, I’ll see you next time.


Running a Starforged One-Shot


Points of Light